This project was built using PHP PDO, and MYSQL, this is a CRUD application the user can fetch add update and delete data in a database using PDO and MYSQL.The project has a login system t...
This is a simple contact app built using PHP and Axios, the user can fetch add update, and delete contacts using Axios requests, this is a good example of how to use Axios with PHP for beginners. ...
This CRUD app was built using PHP and ajax, it is a simple contacts app the user can fetch store updates and delete contacts using ajax requests, the app provides also a search form where the user can find contacts easily....
This project was built using HTML 5 Geolocation API and ajax to get data from open weather API, the app asks for the user's geolocation data, and depending on it the current weather will be displayed.The app provides...
This is a beginner's project our main page display a list of products, the user can add products to the cart, once he is done he can check the cart, remove products or empty the cart.The project was built using javascript functions, data s...
Simple phone directory application using javascript perfect for beginners to practice javascript functions, the app features : - Add contact.- Remove contact. - Store data in the local stora...
This is a simple javascript calculator built using functions perfect for beginners to practice math operations with javascript.The app does all the arithmetic operations addition subtraction multiplication and divisio...
This is a simple notes application made using vuejs 2, perfect for beginners to practice vuejs fundamentals :- Vuejs props.- Vuejs lifecycle methods. How to use :
This is a simple calculator built using vuejs 2, the project is perfect for beginners to practice vuejs fundamentals: - Vue js props.- Vue js lifecycle methods.-...
This is a simple expense tracker made using vuejs 2, this project is perfect for beginners who want to practice vue js fundamentals like Vue js props, vuejs computed properties and Vue js lifecycle m...
This project was built using Codeigniter 4 which is the latest version of the framework, Codeigniter is a lightweight framework vs laravel, the project is divided into two sections:- The simple user can explore articles, register and...
This project was built using laravel 6 and vuejs 2 you can upgrade to any new version it is compatible with the new versions of laravel and vuejs.The project is divided into two sections :- The simple user section w...
This project is built using PHP and Vue js, perfect for beginners who want to know how to integrate Vue js with PHP and connect to MySQL database, the project features:- Fetching data using Axios, adding u...
This project was built using Vue js and composition API, algolia places, and dark sky API, the user can choose a city using the select box filled with cities provided by algolia places package, once he chooses a city the current...
This project was built using PHP and MySQL the code is structured in a framework manner, it contains all the features of an e-commerce website.- The simple user can explore and search products, add to cart...
Today we are going to see how we can create an event calendar app using laravel 6, this project includes a calendar that displays the events added by the user, then the user can explore update, or delete an