How to Add React js to Symfony 6 Part 1

1 year ago admin Symfony

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to add React js to Symfony 6 with Encore, I assume that you have already installed a fresh new Symfony 6 application. 

Install Encore

First, let's install Encore and the packages that we are going to need.

Run the commands below: 

composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle

yarn install

yarn add react react-dom prop-types
yarn add @babel/preset-react@^7.0.0 --dev

Enable React js

Next step, we need to enable React js, so let's update the file webpack.config.js and add this line    .enableReactPreset()

// webpack.config.js

      // ...
      .addEntry('main', './assets/main.js')

+     .enableReactPreset()()

Create the home component

Inside the asset folder let's create a new folder 'components' inside this folder add a new file 'Home.js' inside add the code below.

import React from 'react';
const Home = () => {
        <div className="container">
            <h1>Add React js to Symfony 6</h1>
export default Home;

Update the file app.js

Next, update the file app.js, let's import the home component and add it to the app.

import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';        

import Home from './components/Home';

    <Home />        

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