This project was built using LARAVEL 10, it is a files marketplace, the user can register and log in, then he can upload images, he can also buy images, and pay orders via the Stripe paym...
This project was built using LARAVEL 10, Inertia js, and Vue js 3, it is a CRUD application, the user can register and log in with email verification, then he can create update, delete tasks, he...
This project was built using Laravel 9 and Vue js 3, it is a chat application, the user can create an account login in, and join the chat room.There are also online users and the l...
This project was built using LARAVEL 9 and React js, it is a CRUD application, the user can create update, and delete tasks, he can also filter tasks by category, order t...
The project was built using Laravel 9 and Vue js 3 Composition API and Pinia to manage the store, all the features of a modern blog are included, including language change, posts search with Vue js, premium posts, and a lot more....
This project was built using Laravel 8 and Vuejs 2, this is a Mini Stack Overflow App, the user can register, verify his email, and log in using Laravel Fortify.He can also ask for a reset pas...
This project was built using Laravel 8 and Adminlte, this is an Employee Management System, we have only one admin user who can log in using Laravel Fortify.The admin can add update & delete an employee.
This project was built using Laravel 7, this is a Restaurant Management System, we have only one admin user who can log in add menus, categories, and sales, and generate invoices and tickets.The system pro...
This project was built using laravel 6 and vuejs 2 you can upgrade to any new version it is compatible with the new versions of laravel and vuejs.The project is divided into two sections :- The simple user section w...
Today we are going to see how we can create an event calendar app using laravel 6, this project includes a calendar that displays the events added by the user, then the user can explore update, or delete an
This laravel e-commerce project contains all the features you need to develop your own e-commerce website.The project was built using laravel 7 and it is divided into two sections :- The customer section is where th...