This project was built using Laravel 9 and Vue js 3, it is a chat application, the user can create an account login in, and join the chat room.There are also online users and the l...
This project was built using LARAVEL 9 and React js, it is a CRUD application, the user can create update, and delete tasks, he can also filter tasks by category, order t...
This is a simple React Food Ordering App made using React js 18, this project is perfect for beginners who want to practice react js fundamentals like react js props, react-router v6, and
This project was built using PHP and MYSQL, this is a quiz application the user can add questions with multiple choices and choose the correct answer.The user can ...
This project was built using PHP PDO, MYSQL, Bootstrap 5, and Ajax, this is a CRUD application the user can fetch add update, and delete notes in a database using PDO
This app was built using Java, this is a simple deposit and withdrawal java program, the user can deposit and withdraw money from his account all the operations are calculated and the balance changes after each
This app was built using Android and Firebase, the user can explore ads, register, log in to his account, update his profile and add new ads, he can also search for ads by title, city, and category.The admin
This project was built using Vue 3 Composition Api, Vue Router, and Pinia, for styling we use Bootstrap 5 & Bootstrap 5 Icons, we have a form the user can add a review later he can update or...
This is a simple expense tracker made using React js 18, this project is perfect for beginners who want to practice react js fundamentals like react js props, and react js hooks.The user has a form wh...
This project was built using React js, React Hooks, Bootstrap 5 & Bootstrap 5 Icons, we have a form the user can add a review later he can update or delete his reviews.
This project was built using HTML 5 Geolocation API and ajax to get data from open weather API, the app asks for the user's geolocation data, and depending on it the current weather will be displayed.The app provides...
Simple phone directory application using javascript perfect for beginners to practice javascript functions, the app features : - Add contact.- Remove contact. - Store data in the local stora...
This is a simple notes application made using vuejs 2, perfect for beginners to practice vuejs fundamentals :- Vuejs props.- Vuejs lifecycle methods. How to use :
This project was built using Vue js and composition API, algolia places, and dark sky API, the user can choose a city using the select box filled with cities provided by algolia places package, once he chooses a city the current...
This project was built using react js, react hooks, algolia places, and dark sky API, the user can choose a city using the select box filled by cities provided by the algolia places package